Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard under høringen i U.S. Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence 30. januar 2025 Foto: U.S. Senate/Wikimedia Commons
Tulsi Gabbard kritiserer Ukraina og andre europeiske land
Av Tron Lande Andersen 3. mars 2025
Tulsi Gabbrad, direktør for USAs nasjonale etterretning, sier i et intervju med Fox News 2. mars 2025 at det Europa nå "avviker" fra amerikanske verdier. Noen
europeiske land svikter frihetsverdiene.
Møtet mellom Trump og Zelensky viste avstanden
Gabbard mener møtet mellom Zelensky og Trump i det Hvite hus fredag 1. mars 2025 satte søkelyset på noen europeiske lands "avvik" fra å fremme frihet og oppnåelse av
fred i Øst-Europa.
"I think those who are criticizing [Trump's] efforts in this way are showing that they are not committed to peace, and in the case of many of those European countries,
that they're not committed to the cause and values of freedom, even though they speak of this," Gabbard told Fox News' Shannon Bream on Sunday morning when asked about Democrat U.S. politicians criticizing the
meeting at the White House and Russia celebrating Trump's tense meeting with Zelenskyy.
Støtter Vance`s kritikk av Europa i Munchen
"We heard very clearly during Vice President Vance's speech in Munich, different examples of how these European partners and longtime allies,
in many cases, are actually implementing policies that undermine democracy that shows that they don't actually believe in the voices of the people being heard, and implementing
anti-freedom policies. We're seeing this in the United Kingdom. We're seeing this in Germany. We saw it with the tossing out of the elections in Romania," she continued.
Det er blitt en dyp sprekk i verdifellesskapet mellom USA og Europa
"There's something fundamentally deeper here that shows a huge difference and divergence between the values that President Trump and Vice President
Vance are fighting for, the values that are enshrined in our Constitution, the interests of the American people in our peace and freedom and national security,
versus those of many of these European countries who are coming to Zelenskyy's side as he walked out of the White House, saying basically, that they are going to
support him in continuing this war, and that they don't stand with us around these fundamental values of freedom," she said.
Russland og USA ivaretar ikke frihetsverdier på samme måte
Bream (fra Fox News) followed-up by asking Gabbard whether she would identify Russia as a country that celebrates freedom similarly to the U.S., which Gabbard denied, adding "that's not
really what we're talking about here."
Ukraina og noen europeiske land gjør ikke det de sier
"We're talking about many of these European countries and Zelenskyy himself, who claim to be standing and fighting for the cause of freedom and democracy, when we actually look at what's happening in reality in these countries, as well as with the Zelenskyy's government in Ukraine, is the exact opposite."
"You have the canceling of elections in Ukraine. You have political parties being silenced or even criminalized or thrown in prison. You have the freedom of religion, churches being shut down, you have political opposition being silenced, you have total government control of the media."
"It really begs the question," she continued. "As Vice President Vance said again in Munich, it's clear that they're standing against Putin. Obviously, that's clear. But what are they actually really fighting for, and are they aligned with the values that they claim to hold in agreement with us? The values that President Trump and Vice President Vance are standing for, and those are the values of freedom, of peace and true security."